Saturday, September 6, 2008

moe.down 9.

For a band I had never seen before / really ever listened to, the last minute decision to go to a festival in the band's honor, was the best I have made in years. I had never been to a music festival before, sadly my perceived "money issues" have kept me from any in the past. What I found out was this: a festival is code for massive party for the band, their friends, and the thousands of fans who join them.

My justification for the money spent on the festival was to take photos and I was more than pleasantly surprised to say the least. The night crowd instantly got my adrenalin pumping. It seemed as if the entire crowd was decked out in glow stick clothing. The light show the crowd created was almost as good as the light show on stage and defiantly had the crowd going "oo and aaa" just as much as the performance.

I tried my hardest to capture the immense intensity of
the scene: an entire ski slope filled with neon glowing lights of people and an amorphous crowd dancing to chaos lit up by the stage lights.

What a trip.